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The Main Window

The main window of the DFA-Editor can be resized using the sizing
gadget on the lower right corner of the window. The window contents
automatically adapts on the new window dimensions.

As the main window is a socalled application window you may drag the
icon of an address file on this window and drop it, to let the
DFA-Editor load the corresponding address file.

The main window of the DFA-Editor gives you the following possibilities:

   *     The address listview

     The address listview displays the stored addresses that are
     available as soon as you entered some (more details about this
     subject later on). This listview can be controlled by mouse as
     usual or completely by keyboard:

             Cursor down     The next address becomes the current one.
          SHIFT+Cursor down  The list scrolls up by one page.
          CRTL+Cursor down   The last address becomes the current one.
              Cursor up      The previous address becomes the current one.
           SHIFT+Cursor up   The list scrolls down by one page.
           CRTL+Cursor up    The first address becomes the current one.
                             The current entry is selected.
               SPACE         To make this state visible, the current entry
                             is leaded by a > character.
               RETURN        Activates the Full window, as long as
                             there is an active address item.
            SHIFT+RETURN     Activates the Edit wenster, as long as
                             there is an active address item.
            SHIFT+SPACE      Set the start of the block or the end of the
                             block respectively

     You may select entries of the address list with Shift Left
     Mousebutton or Middle Mousebutton Left Mousebutton (3-Button mouse
     needed); alternatively you may hit SPACE on the keyboard.  If you
     hit RETURN, it has the same effect as if you had selected the Full
     button: The current address is displayed in another window in
     further detail (please see Full for details). Synonymously you may
     hit SHIFT RETURN to envoce the Edit window (see Edit).

     SHIFT RETURN sets the start of the block or -- if you've already
     set it previously -- the end of the block. After the block end is
     set, the selection state of all items between start end end of the
     block is toggled, i.e. the selected addresses become deselected
     and vice versa. The same result can be reached, if you use the left
     mouse button together with the SHIFT qualifier.

     Please notice that you may change the fields of the addresses that
     are displayed in the address listview using the DFA-Preferences

   *     Der Panel-Listview

     Below the address listview you find another listview. It is used to
     display some more fields of the current address item. If you use
     the default settings you'll see the phone number, the three email
     addresses and the comment. However, by using the DFA-Preferences
     program you may change the contents of these lines!

     As this listview doesn't have a title and for this reason no
     shortcut either, you may scroll it using the following keys:

          ALT+Cursor down  The list scrolls up by one line.

          ALT+Cursor up   The list scrolls down by one line.

     Of course, the list can only be scrolled if there is 1st an active
     entry and 2nd more lines to display than visible at the same time.

     The contents of this listview can be configured in quite a wide
     range (see DFA-Preferences: Panel Listview, for details).

Just below the the address listview there are four buttons that may be
used to change the selection of the displayed addresses:

   *     All

     Selects all displayed addresses.

   *     By name

     A window is opened in which you may enter a search pattern (case
     insensitive!). After you hit Ok (or RETURN) all entries of the
     address list are selected that match the pattern. The difference
     to the Search function is that 1st you can't toggle case
     sensitivity and 2nd all address fields are searched through.
     Furthermore all matching items are marked and the first matching
     item is activated. A detailed description of the allowed search
     patterns can be found in Search.

   *     Clear

     All selected addresses are deselected.

   *     Jump to

     The next selected entry becomes the current one, as long as there
     is at least one selected entry left.

At the lower end of the main window of the DFA-Editor you can find the
gadgets Quit and Remove.

If you hit Quit the DFA-Editor is terminated! The DFA-Server, if it is
currently running, is not ended however, so you can still reach the
DFA-Editor by a doubleclick on the application icon and/or the hotkey
(default: Left Amiga F5)

If you select Remove, not only the DFA-Editor is ended, but although a
currently running DFA-Server.

If you terminate the DFA-Editor using Quit or Remove, the addresses are
saved if they had been modified before.  This behaviour can be
customized in the DFA-Preferences however.